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Simon Moxham Musical Biography
My musical adventure started at around age 9 when we were lucky enough to have a real piano at home and I had piano lessons. At Ernesford Grange School in Coventry, I was also playing guitar and this is when I first started to make music with Kev Currie and Dave Nicholls. Just as things were developing nicely, at age 16 it was time for me to join the Royal Navy in October 1979 so that was the end of me being in “the band.”
Aged about 18 while serving on H.M.S. Glamorgan, I walked past a music shop and noticed a shiny "Corton" tenor sax in the shop window and had the irresistible urge to buy it there and then. My place of work onboard was six decks down and pretty much isolated from the ships living areas so this is where I was to be found most evenings whilst at sea - doing battle with my new toy.
Having left the Royal Navy 7 years later I moved back to Coventry and had a brief spell playing keyboards in Murphy's Law with Kev and Dave. Sadly, this was just before the time that the band decided to call it a day at which point we went our separate ways.
30 years later I heard about the DV8 launch gig in November 2016 and went along to say hello to my old friends Kev and Dave. I said that I'd love to be involved in some way with the band and to my surprise, it turned out that Marko was soon to depart, as a result of which I had the opportunity to step into his shoes and become part of DV8.
I gained my Trinity School of Music and Drama jazz performance diploma in December 2000 on tenor sax and have been self-employed as a saxophonist since 2011.

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